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Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Love, Pain and The Promise of True Love

Well Hello Everyone.   It's been a while. Years later and here I am with some great news. The physical copies of the Love in Motion album has been doing incredibly well and now finally I have had it uploaded onto a platform digitally where you can purchase and download individual tracks from the album or you may well just download the whole album too.


In the run up to Valentine's day, I wish each and everyone of you an authentic time of love, passion, sensuality and so much more. I've learned so much about the endeavours of love over the past few years. For the first time in my life, I experienced what they call 'having my heart broken' and yet in the midst of it all, in the crying, the reflecting, the licking of my wounds, I still feel loves embrace, flowing through me and I have not given up on finding true love. I had always been told that I love deeply and therefore would get hurt deeply. However, I had to do a lot of internal work and searching. I had to strip myself bare, or should I say, I was stripped bare by the Universe, so that I could understand how I had got to that place of tremendous pain, when on the other side I had felt such incredible love. The love of a soulmate. The love of an energy I had never ever felt before.  However, as I was conscious of evolving myself, the other person wasn't which had something to do with their self-worth.  But paradoxically, I too found out so much about my own self-worth and there was the danger that I wanted to hold onto something that, now I know, was being shifted out of my life and way for a reason. 


So therefore, this brief post today is to say. Wherever you are at in your place of love. You may be going into a new love situation, you may have been in a beautiful love situation for a long time, or you may, like me, have come out of a situation - wherever you heart lies at this moment, one piece of advice I would like to offer you. Try not to shut yourself off to the beauty and the intricacies of love. The best thing anyone can do is to work on understanding, to work on healing and then transforming pain, so that you can still believe and hold onto the promise of love. On that note - I would like to encourage you to listen to the tracks on the Love in Motion album. Not only are they sensual but they are also very meditative and the words incredibly powerful and I do hope on some level, they inspire you to enjoy love's caress, and more so the love of yourself because when you know how to love yourself, your relationship with your significant other will be just magic.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Holding Back

Time eclipses
the essence of our dreams at times
leaving us without the touch of reality
to caress our inner senses
which would otherwise titillate our minds
and lure and seduce our bodies
into the frenzied desire of lust's
salacious beckoning.

Only until we are ready
for this intrepid journey with love's
arduous followers i.e
lust, desire and passion tempting lure
only until we are strong enough
to allow the cascade of their juices
to ejaculate within us
can time allow us
to experience this

21st February 2010

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Long Time for Touch to Love Me

Imagine how it would feel to be touched
fingers light upon fresh skin
the drizzle of sensation coursing through the body

Imagine how it would feel to be held
heart beats merging into a synergy of unison
A longing from an eternity melting time and space into a pant of breath

Imagine how it would feel to be kissed
to taste the soul of another within your longing
serenading thoughts and emotions throughout your body
quivering your soul into the abyss of bliss

Now Just imagine that you had never been touched

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


It is TIME, to share, express the sensual you
Wearing her within a flame of golden reds
And scarlet whispers of silken scarves
Outlining contours, defining the frame of body
It is now time for you to reflect to the world
that inner beauty which reigns like the dove upon her perch
regal, gentle, subtly pure within the grasp of innocence’s demure wink
Yet magically imbued with sensuality’s magical contortion
As she flutters away, embracing the sunrise
Changing form into the swan, we see further into her soul
hues of her innermost divinity, radiate
lounging on a bed of roses
petals afloat around her very essence
whites and pink, reds and yellow
Igniting the power of womanhood within
Inviting her Goddess to arise


Listen and Purchase your favourite track or the whole Album HERE

Sensual Greeting Cards by Graphic Designer, David Bircham - Poetry by Gabriella King



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